Chamber of Marathwada Industries & Agriculture is an organization representing small scale / medium scale / large scale industries of Marathwada region. All the leading industries including the Multinational Companies (MNC's) are its members and the total membership is well over 600 representing cross section of industries. Ajanta-Ellora the world famous heritage monuments, aptly depict the rich cultural and historical heritage of Marathwada region.
This region is predominantly an agricultural area, barring few yet skilled instances of superb workmanships like Himroo, famous Paithani saris. The Malik Amber's era, witnesses the industries like, Paper, Utensil, textile and dying industries, etc. But in an unorganized manner, however it was cultured to be the backward area without any industrial climate. Moreover Marathwada is said to be abode of many saints.
On the above background it is indeed creditable to have the industrial awareness and its wheel set in by Deccan Flour Mills, Silverlight Nirlep Industries, Prakalp, Maharashtra Engineering, Bagga Engineering, Garley Equipments in the sixties.
The year 1967-68 saw 7 industrialists come together and during the industries week celebration in the year 1969, Aurangabad District Industries Association (ADIA) was formed and started enrolling members to the Association from July 1969. The Association was formally inaugurated by Shri. K. R. Bhat in the month of October 1970.
Shri. Ghanshyamji Jalan and Shri. N. G. Bhogale were the main pillars of this association. The other members being Shri. D. B. Prabhu, Shri. Divansing Bagga, Shri. Yashwant Garde, Shri. B. G. Rane and Smt. Tai Bastikar.
As the association was working for the development of industries and Marathwada region, the association was renamed to Marathwada Industries Association (MIA) with effect from June 1989.
In a major shift in its policy, the Marathwada Industries Association (MIA), a premier body representing industrialists in the region, then decided to bring agriculture as a focus subject in its working. The members were also of the opinion that the growth of Marathwada was possible only with agriculture in the region grows and becomes world class. With this view Marathwada Industries Association (MIA) assumed a new name as Chamber of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture (CMIA) from April 2002.
Constitution is a sacred document and enshrines the enshrines the aspiration of the people
Who constitute the body. It also contain rules and regulation so that while aspiration are fulfilled the body is not allowed to malfunction in any manner. Theconstitution of MIA was last formalized in the year 1994 when Shri N.K. Gupta was the President of the association, The wisdom of all available constitution of similar bodies as well as the wishes of the patron members, past president and many other senior and active members were taken into consideration of similar bodies as well as the wishes of the patron members past president and many other senior and active members were taken into consideration while making and with all the good intention, it does leave certain areas which need a desirable change .also as the times changes, so do the priorities, aspiration and circumstances and this necessitates changes, wherever needed.
In the year 2000-2001, discussion to the effect took place in the executive committee meeting and constitution review committee comprising OF Shri .M.D. Save, its recommendation for certain changes to be brought in the constitution. These changes were debated, discussed by the executive committee and approved by the general body unanimously. It was impossibleto fulfill this great task without the building wisdom of patron members, past president and very close cooperation of all the members and in particular that of executive committee and office bearers. I am grateful and thankful to all of them. I am proud to present the amended constitution.
This constitution puts thrust on a constant &up – gradation of the vision and mission of our chamber as perceived and conceived by honorablemembers, and provides for conversion of this vision short term and long term continuity in decision making an Asset Management Comities has beet constituted. In the amended constitution major thrust area of agriculture and agro- industries has been incorporated
It is felt that without comprehensive development of agriculture and agro – processing industries, growth of this region and that industry in this region would remain incomplete and inadequate.
The implementation of the spirit of theconstitution and also bidding rules and regulation, is very vital for sustained and also abiding by rules and regulation, is very vital for constriction on the wisdom and the spirit of all the members of this chamber who would guide it constantly in the days to come for fulfilling the dream of those who built this chamber from the very inception to its present place of pride.