
About Us

About CMIA

CMIA is an organization representing small, medium & large scale industries of Marathwada region. All leading industries including Multinational Companies are its members. Total membership is well over 635 representing cross section of industries.

World famous heritage mounments like Ajanta-Ellora aptly depicts rich cultural and historical heritage of Marathwada region. This region is predominantly an agricultural area, barring few yet skilled instances of superb workmanships like Himroo, famous Paithani saris.The Malik Amber’s era, witnessed industries like paper, utensil, textile and dying industries but in an unorganized manner. Moreover Marathwada is said to be abode of many saints.

On the above background, it is indeed creditable to have industrial awareness and its wheel set in by Deccan Flour Mills, Silverlight Nirlep Industries, Prakalp, Maharashtra Engineering and Garley Equipments in the sixties.

In the year 1967-68, seven industrialists came together and during the industries week celebration in the year 1969, Aurangabad District Industries Association (ADIA) was formed and started enrolling members for the association from July 1969. The Association was formally inaugurated by Shri. K. R. Bhat on 10th October 1970.

Shri. Ghanshyamji Jalan and Shri. N. G. Bhogale were the main pillars of this association. The other members were Shri. D. B. Prabhu, Shri. Divansingh Bagga, Shri. Yashwant Garde, Shri. B. G. Rane and Smt. Tai Bastikar.

As the association was working for the development of industries and Marathwada region, it was subsequently renamed to Marathwada Industries Association (MIA) in June 1989.

In a major shift in its policy, MIA a premier body representing industries in the region, then decided to bring agriculture as a focus subject in its working. The members were also of opinion that growth of Marathwada was possible only with agriculture growth in the region. With this view Marathwada Industries Association (MIA) assumed a new name as Chamber of Marathwada Industries and Agriculture (CMIA) FROM April 2002.

Today’s CMIA has close association National bodies such as CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM and has carveD out very Social space for itself b acting as catalyst for spurring the growth of industry in Martahwada region. CMIA has been intiatros of many ideas which resulted in development of present day.

Recommendation made by CMIA are treated with respected at all levels of industries association. State and central governmentbodies. CMIA membership represents entire cross section of Industry Association in the region of Marathwada, which includes Aurangabad, Jalana, Parabani, Hingoli, Nanded, Beed, Latur and usmanabad. CMIA is committed to bring growth, prospered and better collaty of life to all residence of this reason.

CMIA operates from in office in Aurangabad, city which has always enjoyed destination of being economic capital of the reason. Almost all centers of the reason by and large depend on Aurangabad for supply of information, transportation and goods. In a true sense, for this reason Aurangabad is on window word and for the world, Aurangabad is the getaway to this reason. More than 14lac. People make this city abuzz with activity right from Dawn to Dust. This city is also famous for its peace loving tolerant society – a basic need for any business to prosper. Being capital of city of tourism in Marathwada the city has hospitality, tourism and environmental regions with industry all this make Aurangabad any businessman’s choice of location.
